¿Que Tal Fam?
This week was full of a lot of excitement and unfortunate events. To start off I experience second hand the state of the medicine here in Argentina. My companion Elder Taylor had to receive stitches after misusing a machete. On Thursday we went to a less active ladies house to cut her grass in front of her house. The use of lawn mowers just doesn't exsist here and the usual go to in cutting grass is a weed whacker. But those are usually used by the people who are a little more well-off. So as the poor missionaries we are, we borrowed some machetes from the branch president and went and attempted to cut this sister's grass. We arrived at around 10:45am and started hacking away at the grass. As time went on and blisters started to develop, we began to realize that cutting grass with machetes is not very effective. It might sound all cool and fun…. But only if they are sharp. These were semi-dull. To gett low enough on the grass we had to swing the machete while on our knees. To be safe you always swing away from your body and legs. But after 40 minutes and after the blisters appeared . The task of cutting the grass grew more challenging. This is when I heard Elder Taylor cry out, “Uhhh, Elder Keicher, I cut my leg”. For some reason, I was subconsciously expecting a injury to happen and went over to where he was and could immediately tell that he would need to get stitched up. And considering the rusty machete and the fact that there were faeces found in the grass we were cutting, I thought the chance for infection might be high. SO we went back to our place and I cleaned his wound with alcohol and neosporin and then called the mission president where he gave us a clinic we could go to get medical attention. We arrived at a medical clinic right by the church and a doctor there put 2 stitches in his legs-And no they didnt numb anything. But I will admit he did do a good job and today Elder Taylor's leg is healing great. I have some videos of the procedure on dropbox. Hopefully it will upload. But that was a fun experience. And it turned out that the doctor was mormon. Endowed in the temple and everything… but is completely inactive.
Next during the week was we received record rain over the weekend. Starting thursday night until Saturday afternoon it was a down pour. To the point that on Friday we could not leave because the streets were literally rivers. It was horrible. A ton of house were flooded. It was sooo much rain. We worked on Saturday and in places the water was up to my knees. It was crazy. There is a recent convert in the branch that washes out clothes and due to all the rain, she and her family have been flooded and trapped in their house. This morning we took them drinkable water. The mom of the family is Pamela. They are super awesome and so nice. I have never seen a family more humble and happy in my life. She is super pregnant too with her 4 child, 1 boy and should be having the baby here in a couple weeks. I am super excited for them. I will try to get a picture with them.
We were also able to commit 2 people to baptism this week for the 25th of March. It was an elderly lady named Isabel and her 16 year old grandson Nahuel. We need to really focus on them and get them prepared by getting them to church and reading the scriptures. We had another contact with Rodrigo, who is the 25 year old from Buenos Aires who is “Trying” to turn his life around. We had a lesson with him and talked about the Word of Wisdom and how it could bless his life. He has a lot of desire to follow God but just doesnt see the real need to quit completely drinking and smoking. We told him to pray about it to see if the Word of Wisdom is really a commandment from God. We will keep passing by to see if he will progress. Outside of these 2 we dont have to many people we are visiting regularly. We are waiting on some members to coordinate Family home evenings with there friends.
Yesterday we had a good day of church and it was Elder Taylor and I's Sunday to go to the colony and administer the sacrament and conduct a sacrament meeting there. There were a total of 7 members there with like 6 kids. We do their church at 6pm and it is only one hour. The missionaries do it all, direct the meeting, administer the sacrament, sing the hymns, and give the 2 talks. The only thing the members in the colony do is offer the prayers. But that was my Sunday.
I have been studying in Alma chapters 30-33. Here it talks about a lot of stuff. But one thing I took from it was the attitude Alma had while he was suffering through his afflictions with the Zoramites. I loved the example of patience and long-suffering as well as humbling yourself. I cant site my references here but in these chapters it talks about how “Humbling yourself” is like preparing yourself to receive the word of God and preparing yourself for growth in and outside of the Gospel. As a person and as an eternal being. Its the whole purpose of why we are here on the earth, to PREPARE ourselves through our afflictions and trails. That was just something I liked in my studies this week.
That’s basically all I got for this week. I hope you all have a great week and great Valentines Day!
Con Amor,
Elder Corbin Keicher