In the leadership conference for the ZL´s, we listened to President talk about how to respond to the common excuses people give to not keep commitments. Basically asking us to be more bold with our invitations and to teach with more power and authority. But it was all good. It was weird leaving though because the next time I go to Resi will be to go to the airport there... it honestly feels weird cause it doesnt seem real. People keep making jokes because I´m leaving but it honestly doesnt feel like that. President also talked about some issues that are going on in the mission thatI wont get into detail, but it just shocks me that kind of stuff that happen to missionaires. And us as normal missionaries dont know of half the things that really happen in the mission. Even as a ZL we have to help out all the missionaries in our zone and make sure everyone is okay, and I couldnt imagin being a mission president and having to watch out for the Spiritual/physical well-being of 140+ 19-21 year olds . It would get over whelming for sure. I bet my buddy Pat could relate to some of this stuff.
This past weekend Goya hosted ¨La Fiesta Nacional de Surubi¨ which is a massive fish convention/competition. It basically looked like Parker days but just all focused on catching fish. They had over 1,100 boats registered in the competition. They had a ton of venders around goya so I bought some souvenirs and got a foot long ¨pancho¨or hot dog. It was super good and I´ll attatch a photo of it.
Yesterday, we had a really good lesson with a mom(Luciana) and her 16 year old daughter (Ayalen). It was a great lesson and they were super intrigued on our lesson on The Book of Mormon. They are more on the wealthy side, Ayalen actually went to Disney World a little over a year ago, so we were able to talk about that a bit. I´ll keep you updated on them. Also had a funny experience with an investigator that is progressing this week. He was the sisters investigator and is now ours since the sisters left. His name is Claudio. We went and formally met him and his house last friday, and invited him to church. He is like 30ish years old, and after the 2nd hour,. he showed up to church just to tell us that he wasnt able to attend church. haha then he left. He for sure should be getting baptised... just depends on if his wife wants to get married.
But that was my week. I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Keicher
[They gave Zone Leader motos... sike... i wish]
[Our crew traveling from the Resistencia]
[The Open house set up in one of the rooms]
[Elder Moore and I with a HUGE sloth]
[A gnarly Saber tooth tiger (don't think they really exsisit)]