Interesting week! The biggest thing that happened this week was Multi-Zone conference in Formosa (3 hours from Ibarreta). That happened Wednesday and I enjoyed it a lot. It was kind of bittersweet because that was the last conference with President and Sister Franco and my last interview with Pres. Franco. But crazy thing happened on our way to Formosa that morning. As we were arriving to Formosa, there was a little bit of traffic. We were going like 10 MPH when a dog attempted to cross the road. There was a Toyota truck in front of us that didn’t even blink an eye and plowed over the back side of the dog going 10mph. I was in the back of the shuttle half asleep when the spouse of the driver started freaking out. I woke all the way up and saw the aftermath of it all and heard the poor screeches of the dog. The shuttle driver stopped and they moved the yelping dog to the median of the road and we continued on. Half a mile down the road the Toyota truck had pulled off the road, so when we passed by them the ´´spouse´´ lady stuck her head out the window and said so many bad words in Spanish to the guy in the truck. As a missionary you don't really hear that side of the language. It was just a funny/sad situation all together and probably wont ever forget it.
Then Saturday we had the baptism of Raul. It was a success and there were a ton of members there. Also Fabiana Cano and her daughter came to the baptism as well, which was awesome!! Afterwards we ate food and the youth had mutual. On Sunday we had a great lesson with the youth. There has been ¨wars and rumors of wars¨ between the young women of the branch. They have been excluding and grouping off and saying mean things on facebook. So Elder Urquidi taught a lesson to them about contention. Then we watched the video about Bullying with Elder Uchtdorf talking! It was a super good lesson and they all liked it. But that was basically the week. It has been raining a lot here lately.. I am getting kind of sick of it haha.
I hope everyone enjoys the week up in Logan at the graduation for Mackenzie. I bet it will be fun! I hope you all have a great week!!
Elder Lake and I meet once again
Selfie with Maxi Falcon (the son of the branch president)
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