Big changes AGAIN this transfer this week. I AM LEAVING wooaaahhh.... and I am training again. haha so I will be picking up my next trainee tomorrow and then heading up to.... Ibarreta, Formosa. This province of Argentina is comparable to West Virgina of the states. The language is dirty and the conditions are super poor. And everytime I meet a missionary and tell them that I am going there, they just look at me and say, "Im sorry man". haha SO It will be interesting and a growing experience. Especially since I am going to a new area that neither I or my comp (obviously) knows. But anyway I am super excited to train again and I definitly learned a lot of things this past transfer. I will be traveling 8 hours in a bus tomorrow after I get my comp from the office. It will be my first real bus ride here. They play movies on the buses over the speakers so hopefully I get a good one. haha
This past week was fun. I had a feeling that I was going to leave so I made sure I got to say goodbye to the people that I was close too. On Sunday I got a call from the branch president at 8:12am asking me to give a talk that day. So I quickly reviewed somethings I studied this past week in personal study and then we went to church. At 9:41 the branch president gave me the rest of the time in the church.... soooo I got up and I actually gave the best talk I have ever given. I truely felt the gift of tounges guiding my words or I guess the spirit but it was really cool and I actually didnt have any nerves. I talked until 10:02 and it ended up being really cool. And I can credit all of it to the time I dedicate to Personal study. Thats something that I thoroughly enjoyed and have been trying to take full advantage of that hour I have each day.
Elder Corbin Keicher
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